Álvaro Ramírez
Emacs bookmarks
- [[https://christiantietze.de/posts/2021/06/emacs-center-window-on-current-monitor/
- Bridging Islands in Emacs: re-builder and query-replace-regexp | Karthinks.
- Configuring Emacs and Eglot to work with Astro language server | by Jayaram |….
- Emacs Tramp tricks.
- Export an environment variable to Emacs | Snippets and other bits.
- Lesser known functionalities in core Emacs (see setq-mode-local).
- Lesser known functionalities in core Emacs.
- Save all mu4e attachments | Snippets and other bits.
][Christian Tietze: Emacs: center window on current monitor]].
- .emacs.d/gud-cdb.el (supports lldb).
- .emacs.d/gud-lldb.el at master · junjiemars/.emacs.d · GitHub.
- A GNU Emacs Themes Gallery (great for previewing).
- A Reminder About Macro Counters.
- A Simple Guide to Writing & Publishing Emacs Packages.
- A very minimal but elegant emacs (I think) : emacs.
- Aaron Bieber's blog.
- Absolute Beginner's Guide to Emacs.
- Accessing Devdocs from Emacs.
- Advanced Techniques for Reducing Emacs Startup Time.
- Ajoke.
- Amit's Thoughts: Emacs mode line simplified.
- An introduction to Magit, an Emacs mode for Git.
- Andrea Corallo: gccemacs Update 10 (July 16, 2020).
- Andrey's Opionated Emacs Guide.
- Animated guide to paredit.
- Any package/solution to fix cursor 1/3 from top of buffer? (ie. alternatives to centered-cursor-mode).
- Aspell 0.60.8 will have direct support for camelCase words (Update Emacs flyspell setup).
- Asynchronous rsync with Emacs, dired and tramp. – vxlabs.
- Automator to open files in Emacs clients by double-clicks.
- Awesome Emacs.
- Awesome shell extension eshell with wonderful features.
- Bastien's Emacs training.
- Best practices/tip for Companymode and/or YASnippet.
- Blimp - Bustling Image Manipulation Package (Emacs).
- Building Emacs on Macos for Linux Peeps – Random Thoughts.
- Building personal search infrastructure for your knowledge and code | beepb00p.
- C++ Integration: rtags vs emacs-cquery vs irony-mode (Reddit).
- C/C++ Completion in Emacs.
- Can't get Tern mode to work properly (Reddit).
- Capturing Code Snippets.
- ccls-navigate: semantic navigation for C/C++/ObjC .
- ccls: C/C++/ObjC language server supporting cross references, hierarchies, completion and semantic highlighting.
- Centered Cursor Mode in Vanilla Emacs.
- Chen Bin's councel/ctags/etags config.
- Clangd based Emacs C++ IDE (Doug Davis).
- Colors in emacs -nw (use ~/.Xresources).
- Compilation notifications in Emacs - Federico's Blog.
- Configuring Emacs from Scratch — Intro - Suvrat Apte - Medium.
- Configuring emacs to use eslint and babel with flycheck for javascript and React.js JSX.
- Content AND Presentation.
- counsel-etags: Fast, energy-saving, and powerful code navigation solution.
- Creating an emacs formatter the easy way.
- Cropping Images in Emacs (Lars Ingebrigtsen).
- Curated list of packages by Ernst de Hart.
- Custom REPL snippet.
- Customizing emacs mode line.
- Da's recipes on Emacs, IT, and more (Da Zhang's web notes).
- Deep diving into a major mode - Part 1 | Modern Emacs (handy for writing a REPL).
- Deep diving into a major mode - Part 2 (IDE Features) | Modern Emacs.
- dimmer.el (highlights active window).
- Directory-Local Variables.
- docker.el: Emacs integration for Docker.
- Ediff DWIM function by scripter.co.
- Editing HTML Textareas with Emacs: Bye, bye “It’s All Text! “, Hello “Textern".
- Editing remote code with Emacs (tramp tips) - Umar Ahmad.
- Editing XML in Emacs.
- Effective editing I:Movement
- Effective emacs tips: From ergoemacs.
- Effective emacs: Steve Yegge's effective emacs tips.
- Eglot based Emacs C++ IDE with clangd (ddavis.io).
- elfeed-score: brings Gnus-style scoring to Elfeed.
- Emacs - the Best Python Editor?.
- Emacs Advent Calendar 2019 - Qiita.
- Emacs and macOS Catalina issues (twitter).
- Emacs and the Language Server Protocol - Morten's Dev.
- Emacs as a C# development environment - Josh Wolfe.
- Emacs as my UE4 IDE with intellisense.
- EMACS CAN HAZ FANCY MEME – Random Thoughts.
- Emacs configuration: Simplify package management with cask.
- Emacs Fodder.
- Emacs for Cocoa development.
- Emacs for developers.
- Emacs for the React developer (Patrick Skiba).
- Emacs for the React developer | Patrick Skiba.
- Emacs for Web/Javascript Dev: rjsx, web-mode, tide, js2…..etc?.
- Emacs for Xcode+ios Development.
- Emacs frame as a pop-up input - Noetic Nought.
- Emacs from scratch (huytd).
- Emacs Gifts & Merchandise | Redbubble.
- Emacs Go Mode – Revisited – arenzana.org.
- Emacs goodies: Emacs post with tips for navigating code.
- Emacs horrors.
- Emacs Hydra: Allow completion when I can't remember the command name.
- Emacs in one year: Someone's emacs experience over a year.
- Emacs is sexy.
- Emacs Keybindings for Mac OS X.
- Emacs keybindings for vimium.
- Emacs live.
- Emacs modules (Philipp’s documents).
- Emacs Nifty tricks: Another source of emacs goodness.
- Emacs NYC videos.
- Emacs package integrating khard, a console cardav client.
- Emacs redux.
- Emacs rocks.
- Emacs Rust module.
- Emacs Setup (macOS) - Alexandru Nedelcu.
- Emacs snippet: Typescript with CSS in JS, JSX and graphql highlighing..
- Emacs striptease (removing furniture).
- Emacs Tramp tricks (including docker snippet).
- Emacs Tramp very slow on connection (The FreeBSD Forums).
- Emacs workshop.
- Emacs | less.
- Emacs – The Best Python Editor? – Real Python.
- Emacs, fonts and fontsets.
- Emacs, GnuPG and Pass | jherrlin.
- emacs-launcher: A launcher for programs, files, folders, web pages and other, using Emacs (supersedes anything-launcher).
- emacs-lsp/dap-mode: Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs (Swift included).
- emacs-lsp/lsp-ivy: ivy workspace symbols offered by lsp-mode.
- emacs.d/nativecomp.md (gccemacs).
- Emacs: No modeline.
- Emacs: The Best Python Editor? – Real Python.
- Emacsclient –eval with command line arguments? : emacs.
- Emacslife.
- emacsql-sqlite3: Yet another EmacSQL backend for SQLite.
- EmacsWiki: Creating Your Own Compile Error Regexp.
- EmacsWiki: Eshell For Loop.
- Emagicians starter kit.
- emax64: 64-bit Emacs for Windows with ImageMagick 7.
- Endless parenthesis.
- Enterprise Java Development in Emacs.
- Eshell as a main shell.
- eshell-prompt-extras: Display extra information and color for your eshell prompt.
- Evan Misshula (lots of great tutorials).
- Evgeni Kolev Blog - Travis CI integration for emacs packages.
- Example of Syntax Highlighting.
- Exploring Emacs chart Library (chart-bar-quickie).
- extend #emacs to run an interactive REPL process.
- feed-builder.el: An RSS (and Atom?) generator : emacs.
- Find Commits Affecting a Function (Irreal).
- Fiplr: An Emacs Fuzzy Find in Project Package.
- Fix Emacs permissions on macOS Catalina.
- Flx for emacs: Sublime-style searching for emacs.
- Format XML like a pro.
- From Vim to Emacs+Evil chaotic migration guide.
- Fukuyama's Emacs/iOS.
- gccemacs on OSX (mikroskeem's gist).
- GCMH - the Garbage Collector Magic Hack.
- Get desktop notifications from Emacs shell commands ·.
- Get Stackoverflow answers with completion (without Helm) : emacs.
- GhostText: Use Emacs to write in your browser.
- Git diffs using Emacs ediff.
- git-identity.el: Manage multiple Git identities from inside Emacs.
- GitHub - alphapapa/yequake: Drop-down Emacs frames, like Yakuake (modal emacs frames).
- GitHub - AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets: a collection of yasnippet.
- GitHub - bastibe/annotate.el: Annotate.el.
- GitHub - bzg/emacs-training: Emacs training.
- GitHub - CeleritasCelery/company-async-files: company-files with an async banckend.
- GitHub - chuntaro/epaint: A simple paint tool for Emacs.
- GitHub - dieggsy/esh-autosuggest: Fish-like autosuggestions in eshell..
- GitHub - emacs-jp/dmacro: Repeated detection and execution of key operationw.
- GitHub - gexplorer/simple-modeline: A simple mode-line for Emacs..
- GitHub - joaotavora/eglot: A client for Language Server Protocol servers.
- GitHub - mmontone/template-overlays: Emacs overlays for template files.
- GitHub - p3r7/space-theming: A port of Spacemacs theming layer to vanilla Emacs.
- GitHub - politza/pdf-tools: Emacs support library for PDF files..
- GitHub - rougier/elegant-emacs: A very minimal but elegant emacs (I think).
- GitHub - sebastiencs/company-box: A company front-end with icons.
- GitHub - takaxp/moom: A Moom port to Emacs - Make your dominant hand FREE from your mouse (easily move frames).
- GitHub - wbolster/emacs-direnv: direnv integration for emacs.
- GitHub - xuchunyang/another-emacs-server: An Emacs server built on HTTP and JSON.
- GitHub - yyoncho/dap-mode: Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs (Java/Python).
- GitHub - zk-phi/electric-case: automatic foo-bar to fooBar and foo_bar.
- Github continuous integration for your Emacs init (yml config).
- gnuplot Emacs config.
- Go Delve - Debug Go programs interactively with the GUD.
- GPG In Emacs | Bytedude.
- Hardcore Freestyle Emacs.
- Helm Projectile: Is awesome for finding files in emacs.
- Help Plus: Enhancing Emacs help functions.
- hidepw - an Emacs minor mode for hiding passwords.
- Hot Air - Goodbye VSCode, Hello Emacs (Again) has handy JavaScript tips.
- How I enqueue online videos in mpv with Emacs : emacs.
- How is Doom Emacs so damn fast? : emacs.
- How is Doom’s startup so fast?
- How to Create a Screencast GIF in Emacs.
- How to Make an Emacs Minor Mode.
- How to run a new instance of emacs from within emacs | Yoo Box.
- How to write company-mode backends.
- How We Wrote a Textbook & (Tim Wheeler).
- Howard Abrams's Death to the Shell presentation.
- Howard Abrams's eshell config.
- hrisbarrett/swift-mode.
- iamleeg/swift-mode.
- Improve the plaintext email experience through format=flowed with long lines. - vxlabs (mu4e).
- interactive-align: Interactively align by regular expression in emacs.
- investigating Emacs CPU usage.
- Ivan Malison's Go config .
- Ivy completion at point in an overlay : emacs.
- Ivy, Counsel and Swiper (writequit.org).
- ivy-rich: An ivy wrapper providing additional customizations .
- ivy-youtube: Search for an Youtube video inside Emacs with Ivy.
- javadoc-lookup.
- Javascript code navigation in counsel-etags (Chen's blog).
- Javascript development environment.
- jcs-elpa/parse-it: Basic Parser in Emacs Lisp (Swift and ObjC included).
- JI Xiang.
- jjzmajic / handle: A handle for major-mode generic functions..
- Learn Emacs - 2019 Most Recommended Emacs Tutorials | Hackr.io.
- Ledger Emacs config.
- Lunarsite.
- macOS Catalina: Fixing Emacs After an Upgrade.
- Magit User Manual: Wip Modes.
- Make it easier to send "flowed" email messages from Emacs (mu4e).
- Make your Emacs Mode Line more useful - Sebastian Wiesner.
- Making Emacs work for me.
- Managing Directories with Emacs (dired).
- Marcin Borkowski: 2019-03-18 Free Emacs key bindings.
- Marcin Borkowski: 2019-07-08 Pausing an Emacs keyboard macro.
- Marcin Borkowski: C-x 4 bindings.
- Marquee header (scrolling text header/notification).
- Mastering Emacs.
- Meghanada-Mode: A Better Java Development Environment for Emacs.
- meme x giffy – Random Thoughts.
- Migrating Away From Use-Package.
- More emacs C++ goodness: More emacs dev environment tips.
- mu4e & xwidget / webkit snippet.
- Multiple Email Signatures with mu4e.
- My company-posframe configuration displaying backend names.
- My Emacs Configuration with use-package.
- My emacs development workflow.
- My Java, Android and Eclim Setup.
- myOS / email - Building the perfect email setup (Emacs/notmuch/mbsync).
- Name Emacs Daemons With the '–daemon=' Option.
- navigel: Emacs library to facilitate the creation of tabulated-list based UIs.
- Nerdgasms's Emacs tips.
- Neri Marschik's bazel-mode: Basic Bazel support for Emacs.
- Nimble (markdown replacement).
- Nocturnal Artifice.
- ns-playgrounds: Execute Swift and Objective C code snippets in Emacs (Extended org babel support).
- Nuclear weapon multi-editing via Ivy and Ag · Samuel Barreto.
- o-blog.
- Objective-C snippets #1.
- Objective-C snippets #2.
- Objective-C snippets #3.
- Ohai Emacs.
- olc: Open Location Code support for Emacs.
- Or Emacs.
- Organize Your Life With Org-Mode.
- Outlook-style HTML replies with mu4e.
- Password Management with Pass and Emacs (Patrick Skiba).
- PeachMelpa (Browse Emacs themes from MELPA).
- Phil Sung's Emacs slides.
- Philip Potter Emacs blog.
- Porthole: RPC servers for Emacs.
- Power up Anki with Emacs, Org mode, anki-editor and more.
- Prelude emacs distribution.
- prescient.el: simple but effective sorting and filtering for Emacs (ivy and company)..
- Presenting the Eshell.
- Projects - Projectile: The Project Interaction Library for Emacs.
- Punchagan's blog.
- Purcell's way to add downloaded repos to load-path.
- Radix trees, Dash and Company mode.
- React contribution layer for Spacemacs.
- Read Lisp, Tweak Emacs: How to read Emacs Lisp so that you can customize Emacs.
- Read your python module documentation from Emacs.
- Read your RSS feeds in emacs with elfeed.
- reformatter.el: Define commands which run reformatters on the current Emacs buffer.
- Removing/Altering Key Bindings from Minor Mode Keymaps · Emacs Redux.
- Robert Brown's bazel-mode: GNU Emacs mode for editing Bazel BUILD files.
- rougier/svg-lib: Emacs SVG libraries for creatings tags, icons and bars.
- rtags: Implement 'rename with multiple cursors'.
- Rubikitch.
- Sachua Chua.
- Sakito's Emacs Objective-C.
- Setting up Emacs for Qt (C++) development - LSP.
- Setting up GPG for Emacs (Random Thoughts).
- Slow TRAMP mode in Emacs (Super User).
- Smartparens: Emacs and Pairs article.
- SO: How can I refactor C++ source code using emacs?.
- Some Emacs macro tricks.
- Spaceline for Emacs (Jack Baty's weblog).
- Staying sane with Emacs (when facing drudge work) (Zwillingssterns Weltenwald).
- Step-by-step guide to C++ navigation and completion with Emacs and the Clang-based rtags.
- Stock Emacs tips (Reddit).
- Super spotlight search with ivy/counsel (Pragmatic Emacs).
- swift-helpful: A Self-Documenting Emacs Programming Environment for Swift.
- Techne (Emacs Friendly Keyboard): Operations Keys | Wisdom and Wonder.
- The Emacs Guru Guide to Key Bindings – Wilfred Hughes::Blog.
- The Emacs Package Developer's Handbook.
- The Ultimate Collection of Emacs Resources.
- thierryvolpiatto's mu4e config .
- Tide: TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs.
- TIP: How to use a stable and fast environment to develop in C++ : emacs.
- TRAMP is unbearably slow (OSX, ssh) - Emacs Stack Exchange.
- Tramp: Open file via SSH and Sudo with Emacs - Stack Overflow.
- Trần Xuân Trường's Emacs posts.
- tsmanip.el manipulate timestamps/dates anywhere like org shift up/down.
- Tuhdo's C/C++ dev on Emacs.
- Tutorial for building gccemacs on MacOS catalina.
- Universidad de Vigo's Emacs course.
- UOMF: My Emacs Key Binding Strategy.
- Uses of regular expressions in Emacs (John D. Cook).
- Uses of regular expressions in Emacs.
- Using ctags on modern Javascript (handy for Emacs).
- Using Emacs and Eclim for Android Development.
- Using Emacs as an IDE (The Common Lisp Cookbook).
- Using view-mode for modal navigation : emacs.
- vdirel vdir (calendars and contacts) for Emacs.
- Vedang Manerikar | Compiling and Running Emacs 28 from the native-comp.
- View and annotate PDFs in Emacs with PDF-tools (Pragmatic Emacs).
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread : multiple-cursors-mode using helm/counsel.
- What Emacs communities exist?
- What the Emacsd.
- which-key-posframe: Let emacs-which-key use posframe to show its popup..
- WikEmacs - TRAMP.
- Wisdom and Wonder.
- Working with tramp mode on slow connection.
- Writing company backends.
- Writing yasnippets.
- Xah Lee's Emacs: Set Font.
- Xrefactory: A C/C++ Refactoring Browser for Emacs and XEmacs.
- yankpad: Paste yasnippets from an org-mode file.
- Yasnippet generator for Cocoa iphone SDK.
- Yet another completion engine powered by git grep.
- Yet another introduction to Emacs.
- Yi Tang's road to emacs documentation on readthedocs.io.
- yk-color: Elisp library for linear RGB color manipulation.
- Yoo Box's Emacs category.
- Zen in the Art of Emacs.
- The Emacs Garbage Collection Magic Hack.