Álvaro Ramírez
Emacs: connect my Bluetooth speaker
Connecting and disconnecting bluetooth devices on macOS is fairly simple: use the menu bar utility.
But could we make it quicker from our beloved editor?
Turns out with a little elisp glue, we can fuzzy search our Bluetooth devices and toggle connections. We can use Oleh Krehel's ivy-read for fuzzy searching and Felix Lapalme's nifty BluetoothConnector to list devices and toggle Bluetooth connections.
As a bonus, we can make it remember the last selected device, so you can quickly toggle it again.
(defun ar/ivy-bluetooth-connect () "Connect to paired bluetooth device." (interactive) (assert (string-equal system-type "darwin") nil "macOS only. Sorry :/") (assert (executable-find "BluetoothConnector") nil "Install BluetoothConnector from https://github.com/lapfelix/BluetoothConnector") (ivy-read "(Dis)connect: " (seq-map (lambda (item) (let* ((device (split-string item " - ")) (mac (nth 0 device)) (name (nth 1 device))) (propertize name 'mac mac))) (seq-filter (lambda (line) ;; Keep lines like: af-8c-3b-b1-99-af - Device name (string-match-p "^[0-9a-f]\\{2\\}" line)) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*BluetoothConnector*") (erase-buffer) ;; BluetoothConnector exits with 64 if no param is given. ;; Invoke with no params to get a list of devices. (unless (eq 64 (call-process "BluetoothConnector" nil (current-buffer))) (error (buffer-string))) (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))) :require-match t :preselect (when (boundp 'ar/misc-bluetooth-connect--history) (nth 0 ar/misc-bluetooth-connect--history)) :history 'ar/misc-bluetooth-connect--history :caller 'ar/toggle-bluetooth-connection :action (lambda (device) (start-process "BluetoothConnector" (get-buffer-create "*BluetoothConnector*") "BluetoothConnector" (get-text-property 0 'mac device) "--notify"))))
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