Álvaro Ramírez
06 March 2015 Golang bookmarks
updated: 15 April 2020
- 7 Common mistakes in Go.
- A collection of common regular expressions for Go.
- A curated list of awesome Go packages.
- A curated list of awesome golang Security related resources.
- A Drawer implement on SwiftUI.
- A statistics package with common functions that are missing from the Golang standard library.
- A whirlwind tour of Go’s runtime environment variables.
- Attempting to Learn Go - Now Sending GET/POST REST Requests.
- authentication - python gRPC equivalent of golang's PerRPCCredentials.
- Avoiding Reflection (And Such) In Go.
- BasicGoAPI (ie. REST).
- Bazel Golang Hello World (Kubernetes musings by chrislovecnm).
- Beego, platform for web apps.
- Buffalo & Rapid Web Development in Go.
- Building a RESTful API in Go Using Only the Standard Library (Episode 1).
- Building an API with Golang, RethinkDB and wercker.
- Building Small Containers for Kubernetes (golang http).
- c2go: A tool for transpiling C to Go..
- Command vet (reports suspicious constructs).
- Complex json handling in Go.
- Configr: abstraction on top of configuration sources.
- Configuring emacs and evil mode for Go development (Part 1).
- Creating an API Client in Go.
- Cross compilation with Go 1.5.
- Custom transports and timeouts.
- Dancing with Go’s Mutexes.
- Debug Go Like a Pro - Better Programming - Medium.
- Debugging Go programs with Delve.
- defaultproject (REST/web starter).
- Defer, Panic, and Recover.
- Emacs Go Mode (Isma details his Emacs Golang setup).
- End-user authentication for Go web applications.
- ent · An entity framework for Go.
- Error handling in Go.
- Executing commands in Go.
- Exploring Error Handling Patterns in Go (Hacker News).
- Exploring Go's runtime.
- Face recognition with Go – Hacker Noon.
- fasthttp: Fast HTTP implementation for Go.
- GitHub - gorilla/mux: A powerful URL router and dispatcher for golang..
- GitHub - montanaflynn/stats: A well tested and comprehensive Golang statistics library package with no dependencies..
- GitHub - ndabAP/vue-go-example: Vue.js and Go example project.
- GitHub - Nerzal/gocloak: golang keycloak client.
- GitHub - sethgrid/multibar: Display multiple progress bars in Go (golang)..
- Go best practices, six years in.
- Go by Example.
- Go Challenge 3 HN comments.
- Go Code Review Comments.
- Go command Line Flags.
- Go Concurrency Patterns: Pipelines and cancellation.
- Go grpc authentication.
- Go interfaces, the tricky parts.
- Go library for downloading YouTube videos.
- Go Meta Linter.
- Go Proverbs Illustrated.
- Go Slice Gotcha.
- Go Template Primer.
- Go tooling essentials (useful flags in tooling).
- Go Tooling in Action - YouTube.
- Go Walkthrough: encoding/json package.
- Go Walkthrough: fmt (formatting strings).
- Go, gRPC and Docker.
- go-bootstrap to generate a lean and mean Go web project.
- go-fuzz github.com/arolek/ase tutorial.
- Go-miniLock: The Minilock File Encryption System, Ported to Pure Go.
- go-rename.
- Go-restful.
- GOCUI - Go Console User Interface.
- Goji: A web microframework for Golang.
- Golang concepts from an OOP point of view.
- Golang landmines.
- Golang toolbox (high quality Go packages).
- Golang Tutorial (Xah Lee's).
- Golang: Creating gRPC interceptors (David Bond).
- Golang: Rune.
- GopherCon 2015 videos.
- GopherCon 2016: Jack Lindamood - Practical Advice for Go Library Authors (YouTube).
- GopherCon 2016: Jack Lindamood - Practical Advice for Go Library Authors.
- GopherCon 2018 - How to Write a Parser in Go.
- Gopherjs: A compiler from Go to JavaScript.
- GoQt: golang Qt bindings.
- gorepl-mode.
- gosec - Golang Security Checker.
- Go’s Features of Last Resort | Hacker News.
- Graceful shutdown of a TCP server in Go - Eli Bendersky's website.
- GRequests: A Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library.
- gRPC authentication documentation.
- GuardRails is a GitHub app that provides security feedback in your pull requests.
- How to Hash and Verify Passwords With Argon2 in Go - Alex Edwards.
- How to start a Go project in 2018 | Hacker News.
- How to Write Go Code.
- How we use gRPC to build a client/server system in Go (auth and TLS included).
- HUGO: a static website engine in Go.
- Interfaces and Composition for Effective Unit Testing in Golang.
- Kubernetes godeps.
- Less is exponentially more (Rob Pike's Go reasoning).
- Let's Go! Learn to Build Professional Web Applications With Golang.
- Let's talk about logging.
- Making and Using HTTP Middleware in Go.
- Match regular expressions into struct fields.
- Monkey Patching in Go.
- PanicAndRecover.
- Parsing HTML with Go using stream processing.
- Password authentication and storage in Go (Golang).
- Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting.
- Peter Bourgon · Go best practices, six years in.
- Practical Go: Real-world advice for writing maintainable Go programs (Hacker News).
- Problems with Go net/http Client API.
- Ran: a simple static web server written in Go.
- Reducing boilerplate with go generate.
- research!rsc: Go Data Structures: Interfaces.
- RESTful Web API Basics in Go.
- Restful webservice using golang with sqlite.
- Revel: A high-productivity web framework for the Go language.
- rules_go/core.rst at master · bazelbuild/rules_go.
- runtime.pprof for profiling.
- Sashay Go codegen.
- Seven steps to 100x faster Go.
- Simple password authentication example · Issue #106 · grpc/grpc-go.
- Sling: Go REST client library for creating and sending API requests.
- Small introduction to tags in Go.
- So you want to expose Go on the Internet (Hacker News).
- Survey of Rounding Implementations in Go | Cockroach Labs.
- Swagger Go documentation generator.
- Ten useful techniques in Go (HN comments).
- Ten useful techniques in Go.
- termui, Go terminal dashboard.
- Testing in Go - DEV Community.
- The 5 stages of learning Go.
- The empty struct (Dave Cheney).
- The Go Cookbook.
- The Hunt for a Logger Interface.
- There is no pass-by-reference in Go | Dave Cheney.
- Things I wish someone told me about Go.
- Time formatting in Go ❚ A Scripter's Notes.
- Uber Go Style Guide (Hacker News).
- Visualizing Concurrency in Go.
- What's So Bad About Stdlib's Log Package? (Groups discussion).
- Writing Unit Tests for your net/http Handlers.