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Álvaro Ramírez

Álvaro Ramírez

23 December 2024 Hello

A few days ago, Sacha Chua mentioned how cool it would be to have an Emacs video index like Ruby Video. I mentioned how I had similarly considered a low-tech solution, maybe powered by plain text (bonus points for org mode of course).

A little later, Sacha shared a preliminary video feed dump, in org! With that, I wrote the first experiment to render the org feed and was born.

screenshot.png is merely a few days old. Powered by an org feed (rendered client-side), but we can fetch and render in all sorts of ways. brings it to the web, though I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of Emacs integrations. A new major mode? Or maybe convert the org feed to rss and plug into elfeed?

This is what a feed entry looks like:

* How we use Org Mode and TRAMP to organize and run a multi-track conference :emacsconf:emacsconf2023:org:tramp:
:DATE: 2023-12-03
:SPEAKERS: Sacha Chua
:SERIES: EmacsConf 2023

We need your help

As mentioned, this is a new project. It's a good start, but it can only get better with your help.

Submit more content

Sacha kickstarted a wonderful video feed, a collection of 1715 videos as of today. We need more. Are your published videos missing? Reckon other videos should be listed? Please help by submitting new entries.

Improve our tagging

Many of the listed videos could use more tags. Please help us by tagging content in and submit a pull request.

Take it for a spin

Or maybe just take for a spin and give us some feedback.

Happy holidays! 🎄☃️