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Álvaro Ramírez

Álvaro Ramírez

23 November 2018 Multiline Swift strings

Paul Hudson's tweet introduced me to Swift's multiline string indentation control using closing quotes. Neat!

Being an org-mode fan, I thought I'd give Swift multiline strings a try using Org Babel's ob-swift. I get to verify it and document at the same time. Win.

Swift org mode source blocks (ie. BEGIN_SRC/END_SRC) can be added as follows:

#+BEGIN_SRC swift :exports both
       Hello World

       Hello World

:      Hello World
: Hello World

By pressing C-c C-c anywhere in the code block, the snippet is executed and its output captured in the RESULT block. Super handy for quickly trying out snippets and keeping as future reference.

As a bonus, the above blocks can be exported to HTML (amongst other formats). With some styling, it looks as follows:

     Hello World

     Hello World
     Hello World
Hello World