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Álvaro Ramírez

Álvaro Ramírez

19 April 2020 mu/mu4e 1.4 released


mu/mu4e 1.4 is out. About a week ago, I built and installed its pre-release version (1.3.10) and noted build steps on macOS. It's been working great for me. Today, I updated to 1.4.

I was keen to try the new release out. I had been experiencing a short delay immediately after syncing/indexing mail. An initial investigation pointed to contact syncing, but I didn't dig further. The 1.4 release notes had a promising entry:

In many cases, `mu4e' used to receive all contacts after each indexing operation; this was slow for some users, so we have updated this to only get the contacts that have changed since the last round.

After upgrading. The delay is gone for me \o/

Note: there are a few config tweaks needed for the 1.4 upgrade, but these are well-documented in the release notes. For me, it primarily consisted of:

  • Swapping elisp mu4e-maildir var for mu init –maildir path/to/local/IMAP.
  • Swapping elisp mu4e-user-mail-address-list for mu init –my-address –my-address
  • Disabling mu4e-maildirs-extension (not yet compatible with mu 1.4). No issues here, since I hardly ever look at the mu4e-main buffer. I have global binding to my unread messages that looks a little something like this:
(defun ar/mu4e-view-unread-messages ()
  (mu4e-headers-search-bookmark (concat "flag:unread AND "
                                        "flag:unread AND "
                                        "NOT flag:trashed AND "
                                        "(maildir:/box1/INBOX OR "

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