Álvaro Ramírez
18 September 2015 React bookmarks
updated: 12 July 2018
- 11 mistakes I’ve made during React Native / Redux app development.
- 9 things every React.js beginner should know (Hacker News).
- 9 things every React.js beginner should know.
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox.
- A complete native navigation solution for React Native with optional redux support - nav bars, tabs, drawer, modals.
- A Material Design style React Native component library.
- A pull to refresh ListView for React Native.
- Adam Wolf's React Native talk.
- Aligning Children using Flexbox in React Native.
- Applying baisc styles in react native (video).
- Applying Basic Styles in React Native.
- Avoid premature fluxing.
- Awesome React: a collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- babel-eslint.
- Beginner’s Guide to Using CocoaPods with React Native.
- Beyong React Native's "getting started guide".
- Bonnie Eisenman's blog (some react).
- Breaking up Heavy Processing in React Native (Blog post).
- Brent Vatne - Building li.st for Android with Exponent and React Native at react-europe 2016.
- Bridging in React Native: An in-depth look into React Native's core.
- Building React Native Apps.
- Bulding the F8 app.
- Cairn: a tiny library for React Native replacing default styling syntax.
- Coding Apps with React Native at Exponent.
- Configuring Emacs to use eslint and babel with flycheck for javascript and React.js JSX.
- Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more.
- Dan Abramov - Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel at react-europe 2015.
- Deep Diving React Native Debugging.
- Developing React.js Components Using ES6.
- Device Information for React Native iOS and Android.
- Didact: a DIY guide to build your own React – Hexacta Engineering.
- ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More.
- ESLint plugin for React Native.
- eslint-plugin-flowtype.
- Exponentjs.
- Flowery: prettifies the result generated by Facebook Flow.
- Flux diagram.
- Getting Started with Redux (30 lessons).
- Idiomatic React Testing Patterns.
- Implement XHR timeout for Android and IOS natively.
- Improved shadow performance on iOS.
- Learn Raw React – No JSX, No Flux, No ES6, No Webpack (Hacker News).
- LearnRxSwift.
- ListView rendering issue.
- Native image/photo picker for react native.
- Native react navigation in every platform.
- OfflineMovies: retrieves movies from an api and caches the result offline.
- One day with React Native for Android.
- Optimizing React Native views (Screencast).
- Optimizing React Native views (Screencast).
- Passing info automatically through a tree.
- Progressive image loading.
- React and React Native Layout Components - ReactScript.
- React Component Starter Kit.
- React Custom Renderers (Blog post).
- React Design Principles.
- React Native accordion.
- React Native action button.
- React Native and Typescript.
- React Native Animated ScrollView Row Swipe Actions.
- React Native App initial setup.
- React Native in an Existing iOS App: Dynamic Routing.
- React Native in the Github Community.
- React Native Layout System.
- React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android.
- React Native Material Design (react-native-material-design).
- React Native Material Design (xinthink).
- React Native Newsletter - Issue #24.
- React Native Newsletter - Issue #25.
- React Native Package Manager (rnpn).
- React Native Playground.
- React Native scrollable decorator.
- React Native Toolkit (navigation examples).
- React Native Tutorial: Building Apps with JavaScript.
- React Native’s LayoutAnimation is Awesome.
- React Tips and Best Practices.
- React-Move – Animate anything in React (Hacker News).
- react-native-camera: A Camera component for React Native.
- react-native-redux-router (replace push/pop screens with easy syntax).
- React.js Program: A project based, linear approach to learning React.js and the React.js ecosystem.
- react.parts/native feed.
- Reactive Programming Overview.
- ReactNativeAutoUpdater.
- Redux: Predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
- Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome.
- Responsive Design in React Native.
- rnplay.org: Test and share React Native code samples.
- Snowflake (React iOS/Android + Redux + Jest testable + parse.com + bitrise.io).
- Some Thoughts On Gluing React Native and Meteor (Blog post).
- Testing react Native with jest.
- The beginners guide to React Native and Firebase (Blog post).
- The Case for Flux.
- The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.
- The reactive manifesto.
- Thinking in React.
- Thoughts on the future of mobile app development (Blog post).
- Tips for styling your React Native apps.
- Tutorial: Handcrafting an iOS Application with React Native (and lots of love).
- Unit Testing React Native Components: A Firsthand Guide.
- Using redux-saga To Simplify Your Growing React Native Codebase.
- Ways to pass objects between native and JavaScript in React Native.
- What I learned from building with React.
- Why React Native is Better than Native for Your Mobile Application.
- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony.
- Yasnippets for React.